A nail clipper with file can help you trim your nails in a way that's clean and smooth. They also can be helpful when you want to shape your nails.When you're looking for a nail clipper, you'll want to look for one that has a quality steel blade. Stainless steel blades are rust resistant and are easy to clean.The next thing to look for is a set of clippers with a curved cutting edge. This type of clipper follows the natural curve of the nail, so it's easier to cut. You'll find that curved clippers are better for rounder nails, while straight-edge clippers are ideal for squared-off nails.

You can also use the pliers-style clippers if you have a larger, thicker nail. These clippers have a comfort grip, so you can hold the tool comfortably. In addition, they have a more flexible cutting angle , so you're less likely to accidentally cut your pet's quick.If you're worried about a broken nail, consider using a glass nail file. Nail files are made of ground crystal, which can be gentler on your nails. However, they are not a good choice for filing down length.
An emery board is another option for trimming nails. Emery boards are typically made of heavy cardboard, coated with emery material. Each grit level on an emery board is numbered. From coarser grits like 80 or 100, to finer grits like 180.Clipping and shaping your nails are essential to keeping them healthy. So invest in a set of quality nail clippers with a file.